[lit-ideas] Re: Twitter

  • From: Andy <min.erva@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 07:33:55 -0700 (PDT)

I spoze.  Maybe you're right, twitter may well take off.  It won't be too 
surprising given that we're in an intellectual as well as economic race to the 
bottom .  The computer millionaires will do fine (and you're right, I am not 
one of them), everyone else will learn about the sunglasses someone in Prague 
bought today.  Like Julie says, wow.
  Truly, though, I don't get it.  I can spend my day, assuming my mother had a 
computer, twittering stuff like, I just cleaned the litter box.  I just emptied 
out the dishwasher.  And she could write back, I just got back from Walmart.  I 
talked to my neighbor.  I'd know a lot of minutiae about her, and she about me, 
but would I really know her any better?  Isn't that sort of a self-directed 
reality show?  I can see knowing the tiny little goings on of my mother (maybe) 
but to know this junk about everybody in the world is death defying.  The only 
upside of this thing that I can see (and it could be a big upside) is if we 
know what people in Prague or Iran or Turkey or China or Russia (assuming 
they're writing in English) are doing minute to minute, we'll be less likely to 
bomb them, maybe.  Maybe it is the world's electronic nervous system.  Humans 
at their finest have never done much better anyway.  Think of all the long 
beautiful letters soldiers in the Civil War wrote
 back home.  The irony is that it was during the Civil *War*.  Maybe twitter 
will be a milestone in human development after all.  Who needs high toned 
intellectual junk if it's in the context of continual strife anyway?  If people 
played more *and* weren't so serious about their play, the world would be a 
much nicer place.
  As far as it's men's fault that women earn less, that's just another part of 
being human.  Bigger exploits smaller in whatever fashion they can do it.  
There's an article in the New Yorker about a tribe in Brazil that communicates 
in whistles and sounds that don't sound anything like any language in the 
world.  They have no vowels, no consonants.  But, they stay 100% in the moment, 
never think about tomorrow, have no concept of left and right, of history, of 
even yesterday, and they are in absolute harmony with their world (they can't 
even imagine why you would want to kill a mosquito), and with each other.  They 
don't live in houses, don't stock up on food, 'more' doesn't exist for them,and 
they are extremely, extremely happy and content.  Even the pictures of them 
show such serenity on their faces.  They're almost like cats at their finest, 
without the predation, or maybe like whales.  I bring this up only because if 
twitter helps keep people continually in the moment,
 it might help in reducing greed and increasing contentment, which would be a 
big deal.  Forget it.  They'll all have to run out and get the latest versions 
of twitter to keep up with the Joneses.  Humans are truly hopeless.
Andreas Ramos <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  From: "Andy"

> Actually, I don't get twitter at all. It seems like the biggest waste of time 
> to come 
> down the pike in a long time, maybe of all time. Not to mention there can't 
> be anything 
> more boring. I can't imagine anyone really wanting to do it. I'm going to bet 
> it 
> fizzles.

Your next complain will be that it's men's fault that women earn less than men.

But your statement above shows why you're not a computer industry millionaire. 
You project 
your negative expectations and don't see the potential.

Twitter could easily grow to several dozen million users. That would put its 
valuation at 
$50 million or more.

I was at the Web 2.0 trade show in San Francisco a few days ago. There are some 
1,500+ Web 
2.0 sites. Some are clever, some are useful, and some are fairly useless.

See www.allthingsweb2.com/


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