[lit-ideas] Re: The Meteorologist, the E.M.P., Geary and the Mountain

  • From: David Ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 16:33:43 -0700

Today they put the mount Jefferson back in view. You'll recall that I've written about this coy mountain before, one that usually isn't there but which on clear days suddenly appears. Hooray today for clarity.

Which is not what we had on the drive up to Seattle on Saturday. Can you say "aqua-planing"? Can you say "miserably black"? Can you say "Meteorologist Second Class"?

What am I talking about? A plaque on a wall in a church in Seattle, a memorial to those who had served in armed forces. Two entries caught my eye: someone who had served, in the words of the memorial, in the "British Royal Army"--can't think what that might be--and someone who had attained the rank of "Meteorologist Second Class." She was in the British forces (not the B.R.A. though) in W.W.2. I'd really like to know what you had to do to go up in rank. Get the forecast right once, maybe?

And I'm talking about, on the road towards Damascus, Boring and points South, suddenly realizing that the reason Geary left Seattle was that he was probably tired of being asked whether he was the same Gehry who had built the Experience Music Project. I bet that got old.

Carry on.

David Ritchie,
Portland, Oregon
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  • » [lit-ideas] Re: The Meteorologist, the E.M.P., Geary and the Mountain