[lit-ideas] Re: Socratic Congress

  • From: Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 15:47:34 -0700

Eric Yost wrote

Robert: To say that only Kant knew what was morally right (or wrong) while the peasants in the countryside near Königsberg did not, is a bit like saying that nobody could distinguish truth from falsity until the advent of the late Donald Davidson.

[piano interlude]

Every absolute view carries its own exceptions -- as in condemnation of torture on all occasions. In the nuclear-bomb-ticking-clock scenario, somebody's gonna get tortured, either the captured terrorist or the survivors of the blast. Or both.

It's Kant and his soi-dissant followers who are absolutists, not me. They're the ones who believe that when the Gestapo comes round you should not lie to them if they ask whether there's a Jew in your attic; they're the ones who don't believe a mother should push her child off the tracks as a train is bearing down (thereby, in effect, giving up her own life). Etc.

I don't want to discuss 'ticking bomb' examples. Really. Not now. I'd hope that Eric has some response to the first paragraph of mine he quotes, although it was aimed nowhere near him.

Robert Paul
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