[lit-ideas] Simone Weil (Was: Kataphatic, Negative and Apophatic Theology)

  • From: "Erin Holder" <erin.holder@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 11:52:40 -0400

Speaking of Simone Weil, I read Gravity and Grace.  It was one of those
books I read where, for the most part, I didn't have even the slightest clue
what was going on.  For example, here are some random aphorisms.  Can anyone
tell me what any of these mean?


"All the natural movements of the soul are controlled by laws of gravity
analogous to those of physical gravity.  Grace is the only exception."

"Gravity.  Generally, what we expect of others depends on the effect of
gravity upon ourselves, what we receive from them depends on the effect of
gravity upon them.  Sometimes, (by chance) the two coincide, often they do

"Lear, a tragedy of gravity.  Everything we call base is a phenomenon due to
gravity.  Moreover, the world baseness is an indication of this fact."

"To come down by a movement in which gravity plays no part... Gravity makes
things come down, wings make them rise:  What wings raised to the second
power can make things come down without weight?"

"To lower oneself is to rise in the domain of moral gravity.  Moral gravity
makes us fall towards the heights."

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Austin Meredith" <Kouroo@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 11:14 AM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Kataphatic, Negative and Apophatic Theology

> >What about Simone Weil?  She surely embraced an aspect of  negative
> >theology as part of her paradox.
> In Negative Theology the meaning of a locution such as "the worship of
> is negative in that it contains nothing whatever that is positive. It
> contains no assertion whatever as to the existence or reality or
> characteristics of God. It consisting totally and exclusively in a
> thorough-going refusal to participate in any idolatry -- that is, in any
> worship of anything that is not God. For instance, when a "religious"
> person praises the power of God, as in the hymn "A Mighty Fortress Is Our
> God," a practitioner of Negative Theology responds: "You are worshiping,
> not God, but power. You are an idolator, and not superior to any other
> idolator."
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