[lit-ideas] Re: Right of Return

  • From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2006 16:32:48 -0500

Omar is confused on several points so I will do my best to help him:

"If you want to make a government establish a law that grants a right,
you need to argue that such a right exists."

A legal right exists when a government establishes the relevant law.
Before that, there is no right, just moral arguments.

"I am not sure what counts as a natural right, as opposed to one
established by law."

You don't need to.  As you noted yourself, property rights are not

"The use of the phrase 'wipe Israel off the map,' without any
attribution, seems demagogical."

It is the official position of the democratically-elected government of
the Palestinians.  A position, by the way, that is incompatible with
membership in the UN.

"When one ethnic group forcefully expels another, this is pretty likely
to make the other group hostile isn't it?"

Irrelevant.  What is at issue, at least if the Subject line matters, is
the 'right of return'.  The Palestinians are justified in being hostile,
but not justified in talking about a 'right of return'.

"Are we really sure that we want to universalize this argument?"

By your own account, it can't be.  If property rights are established by
governments, there can be no universalization regarding property rights.

I hope this goes some way towards clearing up Omar's confusions.

Here to help,

Phil Enns
Toronto, ON

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