[lit-ideas] Re: Iran asking for nuclear tech from EU-3

  • From: Judy Evans <judithevans001@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 20:08:35 +0100

Wednesday, August 11, 2004, 4:53:36 PM, Teemu Pyyluoma wrote:

TP> Now I have my doubts about the reliability of this
TP> story, although I do not know where Telegraph stands
TP> on this particular issue.

You never know with the Telegraph -- it will always support a war and
the Tory Party but I don't see why it would want to spin this story.

The Guardian hasn't the story -- I think; I'll check my print edition
-- and I can't find anything at BBC Online or in The Independent.  All
these are leading with somewhat similar topics. I give the links I was
able to find below. Basically there are 2 stories, one that Iran
refuses to give up its peaceful nuclear programme, the other more like
the Telegraph's -- cf


(The Associated Press is given as a source but I can't find anything
like it at AP.)

 here are too many stories to read!


TP>  Perhaps Judy or someone else
TP> can explain.

Here's an explanation of Iran's behaviour if the Telegraph's story's
correct: it's upping the ante in the hope the EU will accept a
"compromise" based on the higher demands.

If not and the Telegraph knows it, then it's stirring up fear of
Islam... and helping out its hero George Bush.

If not but the Telegraph doesn't know it -- well, this is The
Telegraph's kind of thing..

Whatever: it doesn't seem to be regarded as a major story -- as major
as say Iraq or Darfur

 Judy Evans, Cardiff, UK   

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