[lit-ideas] Evidence that Hezbollah Uses Human Shields

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 19:53:03 -0400

Simon: What evidence is there for the use of human shields by Hezbollah?

Here's some off the cuff--from Israeli, Canadian, and Australian media.

Selected videos and photos at:http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/MFAArchive/2000_2009/2006/Operation+Change+of+Direction+Video+Clips.htm

Hizbullah's exploitation of Lebanese population centers and civilians: Photographic evidence
12 Jul 2006

The Hizbullah terrorists in Lebanon have purposely hidden themselves and stockpiled their missiles in residential areas, thus endangering the surrounding populations. Indeed, many of the missiles recently fired at Israel were stored and launched from or near private homes, commandeered by Hizbullah terrorists wishing to shield their actions behind civilians in order to thwart Israel’s response.


Hezbollah uses UN posts as shields

Joel Kom, CanWest News Service; Ottawa Citizen; with files from Reuters
Published: Thursday, July 27, 2006

OTTAWA - The words of a Canadian United Nations observer written just days before he was killed in an Israeli bombing of a UN post in Lebanon are evidence Hezbollah was using the post as a ''shield'' to fire rockets into Israel, says a former UN commander in Bosnia.

Photos that damn Hezbollah
Chris Link
July 30, 2006 12:00am

THIS is the picture that damns Hezbollah. It is one of several, smuggled from behind Lebanon's battle lines, showing that Hezbollah is waging war amid suburbia.

The images, obtained exclusively by the Sunday Herald Sun, show Hezbollah using high-density residential areas as launch pads for rockets and heavy-calibre weapons.

Dressed in civilian clothing so they can quickly disappear, the militants carrying automatic assault rifles and ride in on trucks mounted with cannon.

The photographs, from the Christian area of Wadi Chahrour in the east of Beirut, were taken by a visiting journalist and smuggled out by a friend.

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