[lit-ideas] Re: A Revolution in the USA?

  • From: "Judith Evans" <judithevans1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 18:00:58 +0100

> This is a "review"?  Sounds like another boring ad hominem
attack by an
> archtypal chronically disaffected Rightist.

but perhaps a particularly silly one:

" If anything, it is egomaniac Leftists like Berman (with their
monopoly control of university humanities departments and
 newspapers around the world)

I think it was Lawrence, not the reviewer, who decided to libel

LH>Morris Berman sounds a little bit about another anti-American
LH>other-worldly anti-technology, high I-Q'd former Berkeley
LH> professor by the name of Ted Kaczynski.

Judy Evans, Cardiff

> first day of another semester teaching our children to hate
themselves while
> demanding tolerance for other societies (no matter how
> and writing skills
> Helen A Wishart
> wearing both hats in the southern heat

I hope it isn't too hot down there.  Here it's cooler but very
humid and
we're succumbing to summer colds

I take it your daughter was OK?  Our airports are breaking under
strain of having to send 24 items of information per passenger to
the US before a plane can take off,

(but the threat level's been downgraded)


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