[lit-ideas] Re: A Revolution in the USA?

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 22:55:02 -0400

> Well of course you would. You're a partisan Democrat. To
> call Carter's series of massive screwups a "diplomatic
> contretemps" is to ignore the consequences of the Iranian
> Revolution, which include the present conflict between the
> Hez and Israel.

John: I get it. When you are "fair and balanced" a 100,000 bodies, you can live with that.

John, you don't get it. If you want to do a body count to determine which political party is more culpable--itself a fool's tally--how about the Liberal post-Vietnam US ignoring the genocide of Pol Pot? That's 2 million people right there, Mr. Fair and Balanced.

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