[lit-ideas] Re: A Movie [longish]

  • From: "Simon Ward" <sedward@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 20:09:37 +0100

So Paul, your initial 300 million has been slimmed down a bit to 'everyone who stands in front of a group of 20,000 impressionable, young, pissed-off men and says "kill the infidel because they are infidel" quotes inciting scripture, instills them with a faith in almighty Allah that they are doing his work, and then goes about giving them weapons, training them to make bombs, and pays their families when they carry out 'jihad'.'

Just how many would that be?

What you should be concerned with is not the inciters (we have enough of those in the west), but rather why it is that the rest would feel the need to listen to them and take them seriously. To my mind, that 'why' is concerned with how the west is perceived which in turn is shaped by how the west acts.

It comes back to whether you believe, as a result of US and UK actions after 9/11, the number of muslim fundamentalists has grown or subsided. Though I can't know myself, I would imagine that of all those people arrested this morning, the vast majority would never have dreamt of taking part in such a plan before 9/11 or before the Iraqi invasion.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Stone" <pas@xxxxxxxx>
To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 7:59 PM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: A Movie [longish]

Paul watches an hour of more of edited extracts about muslim fundamentalists. He now hates their guts and wants to kill them all.

Aha, I was waiting for this reaction. I knew that someone would digest it that way. Do you really think I'm that simple minded? I don't think you have read what I said very carefully.

I am not saying "kill them all". I am saying kill everyone who stands in front of a group of 20,000 impressionable, young, pissed-off men and says "kill the infidel because they are infidel" quotes inciting scripture, instills them with a faith in almighty Allah that they are doing his work, and then goes about giving them weapons, training them to make bombs, and pays their families when they carry out 'jihad'.

IF, and this is a big IF, there are people who run around and say these things, and clearly, there are, because they were saying these things, and HAVE been saying them for years, they need to be taken care. Omar asks the question "how?" That is the problem. I'm not offering a solution. I don't know the answer. If I knew, I would tell someone. I just don't see how making friends with them will work. They don't want to be friends.

Seriously, if the US and the UK invades Iraq on false pretences, initiates a civil war that kills up to a 100,000 people who wouldn't have died otherwise, does that explain at least partically why a large number of people in the muslim world hate the west?

It might explain why a bunch 'more' people who didn't previously. But how do you explain those who already did?...

And how about BEFORE the previous 'hate-inciting' historical event?

How many would hate the west if Iraq hadn't been invaded? Less or more.

Should it be ANY?


Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada
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