[liblouis-liblouisxml] Re: writing braille tables, backtranslation and other questions

  • From: Harri Pasanen <harri@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 13:42:57 +0100

Thanks for the explanation.

I found out my issue which was that \ does not give dots 1256 for back translation, but rather dots 12567.

So test backtranslation of dots 1256 with lou_translate, I need to type | or the vertical bar.

I mistakenly thought that the 6 dot encoding for back translation would be Braille ASCII, but it seems it is almost that, with en-us-comp6 used for the punctuation.

Anyway, back on the track.



On 26/01/2015 12:34, Bert Frees wrote:
Hi Harri,

The forward translation is not correct. Note the two apostrophes, they indicate
that the backward slash was not defined in the translation table.

During backtranslation, the following rule from text_nabcc.dis, which is the
default display table of fr-fr-g1.utb, is used:

     display \X005C 12567  #92\reverse solidus


Christian Egli writes:

On 01/26/2015 10:02 AM, Harri Pasanen wrote:
I compiled 2.6.1 and tried lou_trace.    Unfortunately it did not help.

In fact, lou_trace gives me the output I expected, but sheds no light on
the lou_translate problem.

What I tried:

harri@touho ~/src/liblouis-2.6.1 $ /home/harri/test/bin/lou_trace
1.              \
harri@touho ~/src/liblouis-2.6.1 $ /home/harri/test/bin/lou_translate -b

I thinks backslash should correspond to dots 1256 in backtranslation,
should it not?
It looks like lou_trace only supports forward translation and I realize
now that you are pondering a problem with backtranslation. Would have to
ask Bert if lou_trace could be extended to backtranslation.

Sorry I couldn't help

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For a description of the software, to download it and links to
project pages go to http://www.abilitiessoft.com

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