[LRflex] Re: First rhododendron of the season taken w/ 3 lenses

  • From: Miha Golobic <miha.golobic@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 20:58:45 +0100

2009/12/16 Elwood Porter <elwoodporter@xxxxxxxxx>

> 12/15/09
> Do you have any pictures taken with the lens you can share with us?

Hi Elwood!

I sold the Tokina 10 years ago, and broke my Sigma about 12 years ago, so
unfortunately I have no scans to share. But if you google my name (Miha
Golobic) you'll find a couple of my photos taken about 12 years ago when I
was freelancing for a national financial newspaper .I THINK they were taken
with my Tokina 2.6-2.8/28-70mm. The other workhorse at the time was my
Zoom-Nikkor 4/80-200mm.

Here are three small photos, but you'll get the idea about the boke(h). It's
quite nice:





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