[LRflex] Re: First Leica Shooting Experience!

  • From: Richard Ward <ilovaussiesheps@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 10:03:13 -0700 (PDT)

From: Charlie Falke <chfalke@xxxxxxx>
To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 12:34:13 PM
Subject: [LRflex] Re: First Leica Shooting Experience!

Richard Ward wrote: 
>>   I very much 'knew' they were high performance beasts of lenses, but
>exactly like your sig line says - One Test is Worth a 1000 Opinions.
>There is nothing like the emotionally and intellectually enriching
>experience of actually putting one of these lenses to use. Simply
>buying into the words or images from someone else doesn't reach into
>your spirit or your soul in the same manner as seeing or watching those
>lenses affect the images you make yourself. 
>>Yeah Yeah - I know, I'm preaching to the choir here. LOL
>>To use an analogy you might like Charlie - The Step Up from my Zeiss
>Pancolar to the Summicron/Elmarits was like going from a P-51 Mustang
>to a F-18 Hornet. They're both special stuff, but one brings a whole
>lot more to the flying game :-).
   Interesting Analogy.
   P-51 drivers might argue with you about which is more fun, but 
the F-18 will get the MiG. :-)
   One has to remember the finders of the Leica cameras like the 
M and SL connect the great lenses to your mind and soul like 
nothing else. 

Charlie Falke                                         _____      /\
                                                 | __/\__/------/__)
"One test result is worth                        |    |/        `o
  one thousand expert opinions" - Wernher Von Braun   0  N4003M
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert EinsteinHey Charlie,
   I would say that speaking as someone who has flown in neither aircraft, the 
P-51 would be my preferred ride for the Fun Factor. Things would simply happen 
at a slower rate, likely be more absorbable as an event one directly remembers, 
and the historical artifact angle means a lot to me. My analogy still holds up, 
to me anyway, because of the emmense range of abilities a F-18 brings to the 
table. Getting pasted to one's ejection seat in a 10,000ft vertical climb then 
passing out in a tight spiral back to the deck wouldn't rank very high on my 
fun list, but it's an ability that commands respect. As for my Lenses, I 
dislike speaking in absolutes, but everything my Zeiss can do, my Leica can do 
- but much better & there are things the Leica does the Zeiss doesn't come 
close to competing with. This doesn't mean the Leica makes the Zeiss a Bad 
Lens, it just means the Leica is a Better Lens. 




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