[LRflex] Re: "Broken Finger Lake"

  • From: David Young <telyt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2007 07:23:08 -0700

Eric wrote:

>Perhaps if you were an explorer of the wild west a 100 years ago, you
>would have named that lake "Broken Finger Lake", or something like
>that.....Get well soon.....!

Thanks, Eric, for your thoughts....

>Glad it doesn't hamper your ability to press the shutter!

Not so far, but the weather has!  But the rain has had some side 
benefits ...  [1] it has dampened the tinder dry forest (mostly dead 
Pine trees caused by the Mountain Pine Beetle ... around here, 
commonly called "bug-wood") and [2] while it has added some water to 
the rivers, the cooler temperatures have slowed the snow melt, thus 
reducing the fears of massive flooding, originally expected by this 
coming weekend.

And it is cooler.  On Friday/Saturday, it was 34 (93 in the USA), 
whereas yesterday, it only got up to 10 (50F) and as of 7:20 this 
morning, it is a mere 5.4 (41F)!  That's quite a change!

>   To think that so much of our environment is
>changing right in our midst, due to global warming that is increasing
>its effects in exponential fashion in some areas.....that's really
>sad.  However, this has been going on for decades and we are just
>seeing the cumulative effects reach some kind of threshold. Closer to
>'home', we see names in new housing subdivisions like "Pheasant Run"
>or "Possum Trail", but the former only has black crows and the latter
>has your neighbor's cat".  Thank goodness I still see deer families in
>the SF peninsula, and occasional raccoons and possums, as well as hear
>the woodpecker hard at work on a telephone pole.

Not sure how much of the latter is global warming, and how much is 
simply man taking over the animal's habitat.  Here, nestled in the 
hills, we still have Coyotes walking the streets at night (and 
sometimes by day!), deer in our yards and, come fall, bears in our 
front yard, crab apple tree!  We still have bands of wild horses 
nearby and lots of bird life.  Although the books say we don't have 
Golden Eagles in the area, several families have recently moved in.

And people wonder why we moved here!!!!

>BTW here's a boat in a pond that Philippe and Xavier may be familiar
>with....its at Monet's famous garden in Giverny.  Taken several years
>ago and low-res scanned, then my itchy fingers started playing with
>Corel PhotoPaint.  More to come......artistic streak at computerized
>impressionism from yours truly ;-) ! ~ Eric

Ummmmm... .I'd love see it, Eric.  You gonna give us the link?  ;-)



David Young,
Logan Lake, CANADA

Wildlife Photographs: http://www.telyt.com/
Personal Web-pages: http://www3.telus.net/~telyt
Stock Photography at: http://tinyurl.com/2amll4

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