[klaatumail] Re: Fwd: Fw: How Big is Walmart?

  • From: "Bradley, David" <David_Bradley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'klaatumail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <klaatumail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 2 May 2011 11:09:42 +0000

> Whoa, whoa, whoa.

> For the record, neither Preston or Jackson
> were ever convicted of paedophilia. 

And Al Capone was never convicted of murder, but that does NOT mean he didn't 
do it.  He went to jail for Tax Evasion, that's the only major thing he ever 
got convicted of.  Most of us aren't naïve enough to believe that he didn't do 
the other things he was accused of just because he wasn't convicted in a court 
of law.

There's reality, and then there's proof of that reality beyond a reasonable 

I can call anyone anything I want.  They can choose to sue me for what I say.  
They may win, they may lose, but that doesn't mean I'm right or wrong in what I 
say, and a lack of a conviction doesn't mean they didn't do something any more 
than a conviction means they did (look at the people being released after 20+ 
years in prison after DNA evidence proves they were innocent!).

Conviction is a measuring stick the legal system uses. It has no basis in the 
reality of whether or not someone truly DID or DID NOT do something.


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