[kismac] New webpage

  • From: Geordie Millar <themacuser@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: kismac@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 23:27:51 +0930

If you haven't already heard, KisMac has returned on a new site, now hosted outside of DE.

Check it out at http://kismac.macpirate.ch/

After quite a few hours of coordinating the setup of SVN servers, wikis and MySQL databases, modifying PHP code to make it run on the new setup, rebuilding tables by hand, and other fun stuff, I can say that the project is once again ready to go!

We have a SVN server hosted in the Netherlands (thanks to kk), this website and the wiki hosted in Switzerland (thanks to team80), and the forum hosted on the US (thanks to BugDave). The project is mirrored on Google Code as well, in case anything goes wrong.

The trac isn't quite ready to work again yet (neither server has Python yet...). As a result, we've replaced it with DokuWiki to keep the wiki pages up. Thanks to Fish for his work at bringing the pages over from the trac... manually!

Finally, no thanks to whoever supported §202c. You know who you are.

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