[kinovea-dev] Re: Direct2D

  • From: Joan <joan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: kinovea-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 14:23:04 +0100

Sorry, I'm having extra free-time and I got sidetracked by other stuff :-)

So, actually, I started by the other end. I wanted to really understand the files you sent, so I ended up simplifying. (I'm at the point where I wonder if I oversimplified...). I removed the other interfaces, I think it will save headaches if we start simple, with 2 renderers (GDI+ / Direct2D). To simplify even more, I Merged DirectXInterface with Direct2DControl, so there's just two files, the Direct2D renderer, and "Direct2DContext" which I didn't touch. I also created a new file RendererGDIPlus to be able to test the architecture with the current code.

Next two issues were:
- Where do we draw the image (on the picture box or on the background panel.) - Do we draw instantly on demand, or go through the Windows message pump with .Invalidate().

I tried to make it draw instantly on the picturebox but found strange behavior. It would seem that after a while the framework does an extra paint call, and we end up with a black picture. Originally, going through the paint event was also a way to ensure that the rendering will not eat all the resources. (If we force the rendering ourselves, we could eventually block everything else for heavy files, if we post a paint message, the system will handle it when it's our turn.)

In any case, drawing on the background panel seems more sensible.
Thinking of it, drawing on the background panel directly will have many benefits:
- Probably faster
- A picture box is primarily designed for image file hosting anyway. I'm using it like a panel already. - Will allow the drawing of the tools outside the actual picture area! So we can trace angles that extends outside the image, move the magnifier out of the way, etc.

This will be a very nice improvement, but it will need its fare share of refactoring. (merging event handlers, adapting the resizing code)

I will let this incubate a bit and see if I can go from FFmpeg to Direct2D object directly instead. What scares me is that GDI+ Images are used in many places. For example, when we save the file back, or for the magnifier tool, or to render SVG. If all the images are in Direct2D format from the begining, we will also need a way to go from the Direct2D image object to something more usable...


Le 22/02/2011 14:20, Hugh a écrit :

Cool. Sorry for the late replay, I've been crazy busy recently. I was wondering if you had any luck getting the decoding straight onto the directX style bitmap?

*From:*kinovea-dev-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:kinovea-dev-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of *Joan
*Sent:* Wednesday, 16 February 2011 6:25 PM
*To:* kinovea-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
*Subject:* [kinovea-dev] Re: Direct2D

Just a quick note to say that I'll try to focus on the Direct2D rendering stuff for a while. Hopefully, to get some sort of a working base that we can build upon and refactor later...

Le 14/01/2011 23:42, Hugh a écrit :

I'm in a rush, so just quickly:

As long as there is a sound way to destroy it and any threads it may create, then all is good! I just came from outside C# so not so use to it all.

The DrawVideoBitmap() was very much a hack to try and get it to work in the current program. It would be good if it can draw straight onto a DirectX style object, and do all rendering on it (there are many functions for it). Obviously the more it is in the hardware (and not just copied over), the best results will occur.

I don't know enough about FFMPEG to know if it is possible to draw from it onto these surfaces, but I'm sure it must be since VLC is very quick at rendering.

The whole class was designed to have a module feel to it, but also to fit into the current program. I did something close to what you have to do the rendering, but I hope the class can easily be changed to fit any new designs. As I did more work on it, I realised there were other bottle necks in the program that would need to be fixed get it fully working (like drawing onto DirectX objects, new rendering process etc).

I left the other classes (like DirectX 9 and 10) mainly because Windows XP does not support Direct2D. However I guess there is a time people must decide to move on. They would be much harder to work with as you must draw the shapes in the perspective, not simply simple objects. Direct2D also has many other small advantages like for remote desktop, integration etc. I never tested them, but didn't want to remove the options in case someone wanted to go down this path in the future. Personally I favour Direct2D the most.

At the moment I am rather limited for time (sorry!), but this is something I would love to see in the program.


*From:*kinovea-dev-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:kinovea-dev-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> [mailto:kinovea-dev-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of *Joan
*Sent:* Thursday, 13 January 2011 10:19 PM
*To:* kinovea-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:kinovea-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
*Subject:* [kinovea-dev] Re: Direct2D


I have tried the Direct2D / SlimDX code you sent.

I wasn't too sure as to how exactly use the control, here is what I did:
- Added a Direct2DControl member to PlayerScreenUserInterface.
- In the PlayerScreenUserInterface constructor I call Direct2DControl.SetControl() passing in the center panel (to test on the back panel for now)
- immediately call Direct2DControl.Run() to trigger initializations.
- At each new frame, (in PlayerScreenUserInterface.ShowNextFrame), I call Direct2DControl.DrawVideoBitmap() passing in the decoded image,
- and Direct2DControl.Update() to actually draw on the panel.

Let me know if I did anything wrong. Did you also modify PlayerScreenUserInterface in this way for your tests ?

It seems to work pretty well.
I've tried to instrument and get some figures regarding speed, but it proved harder than I thought to really pinpoint the rendering time. (Also I've recently changed machine and it's like everything is running super fast :-))

The part taking the most time (about 10 to 20ms each frame on my machine) would seem to be DrawVideoBitmap(). This function involves copying the whole GDI+ bitmap into a Direct2D bitmap for later use. This is a step we can probably avoid completely by decoding directly into a Direct2D bitmap from the FFMpeg code.

This is maybe what you suggested in the forum thread... In the case of pre-extraction to memory, we can also probably keep an in-memory array of Direct2D bitmaps instead of an array of GDI+ bitmaps. I'm sure we'll find a way to avoid this extra copy.

About your concern to release resources, I don't think we need to use a separate form for rendering and react to the OnClose() event of it. Screens must implement a BeforeClose() method (see AbstractScreen) which is triggered when the screen is closed (close button, changing screens configuration, etc.) We should be able to use it to ask the PlayerScreen and the renderer to dispose any outstanding resources.

We'll probably need to transform and simplify the DirectXInterface class.
Also, I don't know if we need the other classes, (Direct3D10Context, etc.) ? If not, we might even merge the two for simplicity.

I haven't looked at the direct2D drawing primitives and how we might implement the drawing tools visuals. The architecture discussion will probably depend on how these can be abstracted between Direct2D and GDI+.

I will create a topic on the wiki to push some schematics of possible architectures so we are clearer about what we discuss.
Let me know of your experiments.


Le 10/01/2011 21:34, Joan a écrit :


I am super sorry for the delay.
Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to look into this, but I will.
(I have some issues at work with the company wanting to close the local office, this has somewhat prevented proper focus on the project, but it's going to resolve one way or the other in the next few weeks.)


Le 05/01/2011 17:34, Hugh a écrit :

Hey Jean,

Was just wondering how the Direct2D code was working for you? Did you have any luck moving the drawing onto a new form? Just didn't see any recent changes in the code and was hoping it is working!



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