[JA] Re: Lost folders - some success

  • From: J�rel DD Arbaugh <computerist@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, no-tag-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 12:25:54 PST

}Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 15:08:19 -0500
}Subject: [JA] Lost folders - some success
}From: outtolaunch
}     Regarding my disaster after Juno 5.0 "verified" my folders: 
}     Just had a new message from tech support, assuring me that
}there is no way to open mailbox.bdb outside Juno. Of course,
}I believed them. <VBG>

        Good work!  That makes one for the FAQ!!!  What is the status of
the FAQ?

}    Rant: Where do they get these "tech" people?!? Pick them up 
}after they have been fired from "airport security"? <G> If I can find
}a way...! Maybe it is because I started with DOS, and their "tech"
}people have been clicking on little pictures all their lives? :) 

        In many cases, they have never seen the produce that they are
"supporting".  They are some place like India, working from scripted
answers.  As a result, their answers tend to be little better than the
best robots.  Juno's robots are FAR from that good!

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