[JA] Re: Juno Web Mail

  • From: Edward Knobloch <k4pf@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 12:21:37 -0500


I use Juno webmail as a prescreener, using a Mozilla browser,
deleting spam and "iffy" messages before starting Juno 5.
Since the Juno 5 browser is based on Internet Explorer,
security is problematic.  I prefer Juno 5 for archiving 
email; I like the way the "folder"system works.

I got burned a couple of times in the middle of composing
long-winded replies using Juno webmail, where webmail reset itself
(at about the ten minute point), and my long, unsent message
went to the bit bucket in the sky.  This is doubly annoying,
since I am using a Verizon fiber optic account to access
Juno, and never use Juno's dial up modems.

Ed Knobloch

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