[juneau-lug] Re: Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft

  • From: James Zuelow <e5z8652@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: juneau-lug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 19:17:25 -0800

On Saturday 28 October 2006 18:38, deadcats wrote:
> You know, this debate (not to mention the whole GNU/GPL3 stuff) is more
> than I care to address. I just want my home machine to run the
> latest-n-greatest with the least amount of hassle. If folks call me a user,
> so what--that be me! :)

I think that is 99% of Linux users.  That is one of the reasons that Debian 
lost mindshare in the past - all that "free" politics and stuff meant you had 
to work to get things done.  Now we have Ubuntu, etc.

> Reading the link, I realize that in geek-speak "Ubuntu" means "those that
> can't run Debian." But what is Debian? If it means a set of packages that,
> installed together, give the user no sense of identity, then I agree. Seems
> rather bland to me...

Oh, I don't know about that. Debian users tend to have a very strong sense of 
identity as Debian users -- which is where you're probably getting the 
anti-Ubuntu backlash.  (A lot of Debian users think that Ubuntu is getting a 
free ride.) 

There is a lot of angst on Planet Debian (I have my screensaver set 
to "Apple ][" and it defaults to pulling the rss feed from Planet Debian). 
Debian Developers who are also Ubuntu Developers are torn with the whole 
FireFox/Mozilla debate and how it morphed into a Debian/Ubuntu fight.  And 
something happened at a Linux conference in France last month that got 
everyone into a tizzy.

Ubuntu is debian-based, but isn't necessarily for less technically adept 
users.  It just has a more rapid development cycle so users don't need 
services like debian-backports or run "testing" all the time.  And the 
installer and desktop integration are usually better than plain-Jane Debian.  
Any Debian user who trashes Ubuntu is probably just jealous of Ubuntu's 
position on distrowatch.

Debian has been going through a LOT of acrimony lately.   GPL3 and Mozilla 
trademarks are nothing compared to Dunk-Tank.  :)  A few established DD's 
quit over that fight.

> http://www.beranger.org/
> He's great! :)

I've already added a couple of OpenBSD bookmarks from his blog.
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