Re: Jaws 7.000.135

  • From: Adam Daou <adam.daou@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 19:27:34 -0500 (EST)

Hey Robert,

I hear you.

Maybe we should start doing something similar to what some Service Desks do 
daily, while still being more flexible than they are. For instance, we could 
ask subscribers to specify the obvious:

-          Windows Operating System version, service pack, updates,

-          Type of Video and Sound cards used,

-          Jaws version and any additional patch, if any,

-          Application version, and Jaws scripts if available,

-          A detailed description of the problem including keystrokes used,

-          What happened prior to the problem, some kind of history,

-          And naturally, the Jaws user level: beginner, medium, advanced, 

-          Etc.


I often see this kind of info provided on Linux lists so that someone could 
provide some positive input, indeed resolution of the problem. Maybe we could 
have one of us deal with the question privately. Naturally, the list will be 
always open, if more input is needed from others. And, it will be nice to share 
the results with the list so that we can learn and move on.


If we could do the above, we?ll get to the point as quickly as possible, and we 
will avoid what you have described in your message. We need to be together on 
this, and we have to help each other. I?m sure we?ll improve the way we ask our 
questions, and all of us will certainly appreciate a good answer to a Jaws 
question, if we could improve the way we do it.


Best regards,



Robert Hebert <roberthebert@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:It is always very difficult to 
help one cold as it were--without knowing anything about the individual's 
operating system but even more importantly, their level of basic knowledge with 
regards the product/program they are inquiring about.
A better rule of thumb might be  to ask someone to contact you privately. The 
problem you were trying to resolve was about as basic as it gets yet after 
going through dozens and dozens of posts with everyone giving different 
instructions and for the most part saying the same thing the redundancy and 
confusion are mind boggling to say nothing of the list traffic.
So, giving a skype or MSN or Windows Messenger address could have made a very 
complex issue very simple.
I am not trying to be critical here of anyone--just thinking of how a simple 
question can be met with a simple solution.

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