[jawsscripts] Re: jss or jsd file compare tool which might help assess differences?

  • From: mostafa almahdy <mostafa.almahdy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jawsscripts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 06:05:09 +0300

Hey  folks
i'am  element educator  of  scripting for JAWS.
so  please  being  patient  of  my  primary  questions.
i was  attempting  to  creat  new script  for the notepad text   edditor.
and did the following steps:
launched the   notepad  from the run  dialog box.
pressed  insert  plus  ziro  to  launch the script manager.
pressed  control plus  E to start new script.
pressed  control plus home to  reach  the top of the page.
wrote  the script name:
and it's    including  the following:

Script test2 ()
TextSelectedEvent ()

say  string  HI
say  HI


and then  i chosed the  following  keystroke    combination    to
assign to  this  particular one.
control plus =
pressed  control  plus  S  to  compile  and ending  the scripting operation.
but  it did not compiled.
showed me  an arror  message  that  cannot complete the compiling.
actually i don't know what that does.
    and when i tried to  active  the selected  assigned keystroke
combination,  it spoken  the following  with lowest  pitch, heard  how
does  JAWS cursor  sound like?
unknown script  called to: test
then  speak it  by characters  in the similar case.
please  guide me to   the correct  scripting commands.
before  submitting  this  email message, i wish to ask about  the
following  expressions:



am looking forward to hear from each other.
i know  that i can  read  the  basic  of scripting  document  that
freedomscientific  designed,  but  i've been   recognized  in quitely
that the   practical  aspect  is more necessary  then   orals and
go  a head  and discuss  whatever scripting issue altogether.
it  doesn't  matter  whichever level we talk  about,  but  the most
important  issue  which  we must focus on,  that  each other  have
benifits from the list.
On 5/6/09, Geoff Chapman <gch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Scripters.
> unpleasantly, yesterday, I've discovered that, somehow, absolutely no idea
> how, as I was attempting to install my final code on the client's pc, I've
> discovered that at least one screen we tested, didn't work at all!
> and whilst diagnosing the problem,
> discovered that I've somehow, scarily managed to delete at least one crucial
> screen-check  function, from that version of my jss file, which handled the
> checking
> from newTextEvent, for presence of that screen, and loading of it's
> subsequent frameSet etc.
> So, fortunately I've got daily backups of my entire enu folder on this
> project for exactly these types of contingencies, but, I just wondered,
> whether anyone knew of any type of fancy tool, that could flip through my
> two jss files, and determine the number of functions that were actually
> present in each one, and show me at a glance, what was different between the
> two files maybe?
> so's that I could reliably compare them to see if I've done anything else
> stupid like this?
> I can't easily just utilize bare bones  fileSize as an sufficiently adequate
> comparison either, because I've also done some further tweaking during
> installation yesterday, to that jss file, due to other anomalies from that
> client's pc to the development system,
> which now have to remain in that jss file as well.
> which means now I have to merge the two, to end up with the final version?
> I don't suppose there will be such a thing, but, I thought I'd at least ask,
> in case other people might be as brain dead as I obvoiusly was when I
> accidentally managed, totally un-be-knowns to myself, to go around deleting
> iportant functions from the file! grrr!
> thanks for any feedback as to this.
> I'll never make a pro scripter at this rate!
> <sigh.>
> geoff c.
> __________
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best regard.
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