[PCB_FORUM] How-to? [Impedance]

  • From: "William Billereau" <William.Billereau@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <icu-pcb-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 19:19:12 +0200

Hello All.
We are actually fighting with impedances!
all:all:50 ohm:5%
Allegro routes with an autocalculated line width of 5.68mils.
This is not possible to route inside the BGA which has an area with minimum 
line width set to 5 mils.
small lenght routed with 5mils have impedance DRCs.
I try to route them without the area using neck mode. The neck mode off the 
line is still 5mils. It does not switch again to 5.68mils...
but it is not even a solution because the neck has also DRCs.. grrrrr.
How do you generally proceed in such cases?
Thanks in advance!
| Billereau William | PCB Designer |
| | Tel: (+4122) 76 73403 |
| CERN TS/DEM | william.billereau@xxxxxxx |
| 1211 Geneve 23 Switzerland | Société: AMEC-SPIE/Electrotech |

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