[openbeos] Re: Zoom and Resize

  • From: Mat Hounsell <mat_geek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 20:45:48 +1100 (EST)

> Subject: [openbeos] Re: Zoom and Resize
> From: "Gregor Rosenauer" <rosenauer@xxxxxx>
> Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 12:45:34 CET (+0100)
> > Mac and BeOS are dead in the water without a mouse. Every tried to use
> either
> > without a mouse? You can't.
> Well that has historical reasons - Windows was DOS until NT, and a modern GUI
> was a revolution for PC-DOS-users.
> So they carried on old legacy in form of keyboard-shortcuts for those poor
> ppl that did not yet "upgrade" to a mouse.
> BeOS and MacOS have the GUI incorporated, so there was no real need for
> controlling the entire GUI with keys only.
> It has good reasons to use a mouse or similar input-device (even kiosks have
> a touchscreen or trackball), it's simplier, more intuitive, and less tiring.
> Personally I hate it that you still have that annoying icon-button on each
> Window, just to be able to reach the window-menu.
> I think it would be sufficient to offer shortcuts for Zoom/Hide, but the time
> spent on making everything key-able could be better spent on other things
> IMO.
> It would be cool to be able to control the mouse-cursor with
> Option+Cursor-Keys though, like it was possible on the Amiga:)
> Regards,
> Gregor
> -- 

Disclaimer: OBOS R1 == R5
Discalimer: Mild Rant.

AstroMek, summed it up but I'm going to reiterate.

Most UI design gurus will inform you that a user forced to constantly switch
between a keyboard and mouse will be less productive and suffer from the poor

If you work with the keyboard, eg typist, programmer, you will be far more
productive with keyboard intergration.

As you don't have to stop reach for the mouse, grab it, find the cursor,
position it and then click. It appears simple but every watched a PC newbie do
it? They have to think about it all the way through and so you see all the
tasks you have be trained for.

> > Every tried to use either without a mouse? You can't.

Hopefully not every one who uses OpenBeOS will be a OpenBeOS developer at home.
Have you ever found a dead mouse at uni or school? Or at work, one that's full
of gunk and needs to be replaced, but the systems department wont?

Or did you drop your $200 dollar super mouse and discover that the OS boots but
you can't shut it down as there is no mouse working?

Try this navigate the BeOS team manager by using just the keyboard. You can.

There have been several times when I've been stuck with a useless Mac because
the mouse is not working and IMO it is just a design flaw, that's all.

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