[openbeos] Re: OBOS Security

  • From: ZairTheWise@xxxxxxxxxxxx (C. W. Strommer)
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 23:44:52 -0400

"Michael Phipps" <mphipps1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>>>Real multi-user just does not make sense in a world where you can
>>>get a super fast box for a few hundred dollars. It made sense in
>>>1975. But not in 2005. Certainly, people share PCs. But people will,
>>>IMHO, rarely use one PC to log into another that someone else is
>>>using. That is the functionality that I don't think we need.
>>What about this? You have a home network of several computers. Some 
>>computers are public for anyone to use, and some are peoples personal 
>>computers, with their personal stuff on them. You want to enable file 
>>and printer sharing on the various computers, but not to everyone and 
>>not to every computer. How do you differentiate who can access what? 
>>Multiple user accounts and user priviledges is the current method. 
>>Have you got an alternative method?
>This is the problem with saying "multi-user".
>There are so many people's different ideas of what that means. :-)
>When I say that I don't think that multi-user is a worthy idea, I mean
>multiple people logged in simultaneously on the same box. I.E. multiple 
>telnet or X sessions.
>I certainly support (for R2 or later) being able to set a box up so that 
>people can log in and have their own files, home directory, etc. And having
>that be relatively secure (i.e. not trusted, audited code, but pretty secure).
>The goal here is to keep little Johnny from seeing Dad's etoys.com cache and 
>seeing what
>he is getting for Christmas, not to keep hackers out of a web site.
>What you outline above is about the most complex scheme that I would think 
>that OBOS should support.

Again, what about schools? They will usually have one machine that manages user 
accounts, and all workstations log into that machine and fetch the user's home 
directory contents. Or are you plannign to forfeit these kinds of networks, and 
leave OBOS for a single-machine system only? 

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