[openbeos] Re: News and newbies

  • From: "Michael Phipps" <mphipps1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 15:06:24 -0500

What would you think about putting together the Storage kit?
Basically, assume that OBOS supplies you all of the C functions that Be supplies
now. Would you be interested in putting together the C++ classes that
abstract the fs calls?

>Alright I'll chime in too...
>I'm a c++ (c if necessary i guess, i'm an OO-head) programmer for a company
>that does many things, with the division that I am focused in being p2p /
>distributed / groupware / community building / etc.  I've stuck my head into
>several OS development lists hoping to be turned onto the conversation and
>being able to help out in whatever ways possible.  Working on an OS is
>something any Computer Engineering student with ambition dreams up when
>taking Operating Systems, Compilers, Computer Architecture, Theory of
>Computation, whatever.. something as "substantial" as an OS will dabble in
>all these.. plus most people want to make MyNameOS, which isn't always great
>but the energy is appreciated (and once and awhile you get a cool OS.. ) :)
>Recent History: We bought a version of BeOS at work (toadnode) for porting
>efforts, efforts of which we haven't gotten to yet (*sigh*) however it gave
>me a chance to use BeOS (alongside Gobe Productive) in a great way.  I had
>played with BeOS because of my roomate in college, and liked it then as a
>desktop OS.  Learning the programming models for BeOS was easy, i had
>nothing but a good feeling programming in BeOS.  A couple months later the
>whole Be is being sold happened and I've been wondering what to do ever
>since. :)
>The jist of it; primarily I'm an application / framework developer.
>Everything about OS design is intriquing, with the majority of my kernel
>research time spent in Mach and it's followings.  I've got a bit of a
>graphic hand as well, coming from that sort of family, so I may be of use in
>that respect as well.
>Cool to see this project, and as stated prior in another's email, even if I
>can't contribute what you need I will continually show my support for the
>project. :)
>Brander Lien

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