[openbeos] Re: Icon Contest thread

  • From: "Urias McCullough" <umccullough@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 10:45:44 -0700

On 9/5/06, Meanwhile - <meanwhile@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Unfortunately, the Kabuto icons were rendered with an error in the
> outlines. zuMi fixed that but Petter was not aware of it. Could have
> my fault, because maybe I forgot to mention it. The Kabuto icons on
> page have an outline that scales with the image size...
> Best regards,
> -Stephan

Here's that page:


zuMi also has a Kabuto-plain page for those who aren't crazy about gradients
(maybe for better performance option?):


and even more "Kabuto" icons can be seen here:


And now for my .02

The Kabuto icons are pretty nice - the color choice for the Application icon
are more inline with Haiku's colors, and I actually like the deviation from
the BeOS "blocks".  The style is refined and consistent.

Mostly, I like the 575 icons, with the exception of the super-saturated
Person icon (there is a much less saturated version of that icon here:
http://xoomer.alice.it/mushaspot/maranza )

The thing that really sets off the 575 icons are the brighter colors and the
"shine" on the front corners of the icons.  This shine is extremely
appealing to me, and the bright colors are cheery and enjoyable.

I do love Stippi's icons also - as they are very true to the BeOS icon style
- but with the slight perspective adjustment.  In any case, I really hope
that whatever icons are chosen have a 16x16 size that is specially created
like Stippi has done - they look great!

While the Honey icons are neat and very modern looking, I'm not crazy about
that style personally.  The extra detail at 64x64 is not as important to
me.  I don't spend all day examining the detail in the icons on my desktop -
it is mostly important that they are easily distinguishable from each
other.  I do still applaud the creator for his diligence and hard work!  I'm
certain that I'm the exception here as I tend to avoid the "eye-candy" style
OS themes in favor of simplicity.

Garum would be a nice set also, except that the reflection makes it hard to
identify the icon due to the smaller size.  They are also too similar.  I do
like the different perspective though.

I'm not crazy about the Mc Clintock set - if I wanted something to match the
original BeOS icons as closely as possible, I would probably pick zuMi.  But
this is not what I want from Haiku - something slightly new and different is
welcome.  I will admit, however, that the package icon from the zuMi set is
a great idea.  On his page, he has them with different colored flags and
file extensions to identify the various package types.  This concept can be
applied to other file types as well in the future.

The rest of the icon sets are great also (a refined version of the Miqlas
set would be excellent for kids) but not necessarily what I want from
Haiku's icons.  I definitely think most of these iconsets should be finished
and available as options in Haiku R1!

Those are my thoughts so far :)

- Urias

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