[haiku-development] Re: Selecting a non-trademarked name for the Haiku platform

  • From: Ingo Weinhold <ingo_weinhold@xxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 01:23:24 +0200

On 2010-07-26 at 00:44:39 [+0200], Adrien Destugues 
<pulkomandy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As you know, Haiku is a trademark not everyone is allowed to use.
> Thismeans someone building its own version of Haiku may not be able to
> use the name anywhere in the system. While that's fine for pictures and
> logos, it's more problematic in the case of uname, because it is used
> to detect the system by things like autotools. If someone is to build a
> slightly derived version of haiku, he should have a name to use there,
> and that would rather be a standard one so there are not too much
> variants floating around.

-1 for changing that. It took ages for the autotools changes to make it to 
most software packages. Changing things now will be a serious nuisance for 
porters with no real benefit. Fair use of the Haiku name is allowed anyway. 
At least I don't see any serious problem in not changing what system 
uname() reports in third party distros. Maybe Haiku, Inc. can make a 
statement what their stance is on the matter.

CU, Ingo

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