[haiku-development] Re: Device Manager and USB devices?

  • From: Siarzhuk Zharski <zharik@xxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 00:07:22 +0100

Hi Axel!

Axel Dörfler wrote:
Siarzhuk Zharski wrote:
usb_scsi for Haiku. But the problem is that current implementation of USB bus manager have nothing to do with Device Manager, heavily used with other projects (ahci for example) in sibling directories. I have tried implement reaction to *ahci_get_supported_paths call and return "usb" as supported bus. No other calls was performed on intefraces of driver_module_info callbacks. For test purposes I set the supported bus to "pci" and was called during boot with *ahci_supports_device function. But what should I look for on PCI bus in this case? :-)

Ideally for this task, the USB stack would indeed use the new driver architecture. Since it doesn't do this, and the driver architecture is still not at all finished, I would think it might be a good idea to add support for the old SCSI interface to our SCSI bus manager. I guess we'll work on that and the new driver architecture on the pre-
BeGeistert coding event in Düsseldorf.
Any news about this problem? May be I have missed something in commit logs - there were so many changes last time. ;-)

Kind Regards,

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