[hackpgh-discuss] Lights/Temp/etc. push notices.

  • From: Doug Philips <dgou@xxxxxxx>
  • To: hackpgh-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 23:36:12 -0500

Following up from tonight's meeting, we have two new experimental "services"...

On twitter, hackpgh_shop and on freelists, hackpgh-shop.
New member Chad's idea was instead of having to poll the website to see if the lights are on (and hopefully therefore the shop already has someone in it), why not have push events.

We talked about it last week and worked out the tech side (I'll let Chad post links to the services we ended up not needing because they're interesting in their own right).

You can follow the twitter account hackpgh_shop or go to //freelists.org/list/hackpgh-shop to sign up. That is a notification email list; only the shop's "robots" can post.

Reminder that this is experimental. The freelists site sometimes takes a while to process emails, even though ioBridge sends them out right away, so you might find twitter to be a timelier solution if you need it real timey.

The same accounts will send out alerts if the shop gets too chilly or too warm.

At the meeting we also discussed having motion/PIR/etc. sensors that could detect if the shop was in use even when a game of Artemis was going on and we'd quenched the lights, or if there is enough daylight that we don't need to even turn them on.

The interested parties are going to self-organize (Chad and Sarita are the nominal ring leaders) to come up with a prototype and once ironed out we can wire it up to the same robots (and hopefully webpage).


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