[gmpi] Re: Requirements

  • From: Paul Davis <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 09:24:35 -0500

>> > REQ 3
>> > for the processing function and internal parameters of the algorythm, it
>> > make sens... For the rest of the plug-in, i'm not really agree.
>> If you use platform specifics inside your plugin, your plugin is harder to
>> port.  Of course, it is your plugin, do whatever you want.  All it says is
>> that the API must use standard type names.
>in audio processing , you are obliged to make plateform specific code,
>especially for the computation. That can be platform independent is the
>empty SDK template, that's is .

there are two kinds of "platform" under discussion here.

the first one is the hardware architecture, and i think we are all
clear that the DSP side of many plugins is likely to contain
h/w-specific stuff, either because the developer(s) put it there by
hand, or because the compiler did at the developer(s)'
request. that's fine: there's no reason to expect that DSP code
compiled for an Athlon64 will work on a PowerPC.

the second one is the operating system/runtime environment, and i can
think of no reason whatsoever that the DSP side of any plugin should
ever require anything that has any relationship to this

the only place where a relationship between the DSP side and OS
"platform" must exist is when compiler/linker tools create the shared
object file, whose format and contents (other than the plugin's own
code) will necessarily be dependent on the runtime environment. that's
OK, because as we've shown as part of running many VST plugins on
Linux (*), that kind of packaging is pretty trivial to work around.


(*) http://www.djcj.org/LAU/ladspavst/

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