[gmpi] Re: Requirements

  • From: "Angus F. Hewlett" <amulet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 12:43:12 -0500 (EST)

On Sat, 15 Nov 2003, Paul Davis wrote:

>      * provide a toolkit that is implemented on top of
>          existing (popular) toolkits (i.e. host X using toolkit Y would link
>        against the Y version of the GMPI toolkit).

Why not as above, but "Host X using toolkit Y will load the version of the
plugin linked for Y"?

>        an alternative is
>        the utterly generic XML-specified GUI that Tim has referred
>        to a few times, and that I, despite having drafted a DTD for
>          this a couple of years ago, don't believe to be useful (enough).

Agreed... enriching the parameter space description using *ML is a valid
and useful feature, but it will never replace custom UIs altogether (at
least, a *ML GUI-spec developed by a bunch of plugin coders and DSP
engineers with really somewhat limited resources will not... perhaps
some future OSes will use *ML for their entire UI system (indeed OS X has
already made steps in that direction), but it's likely to be a big
development effort).

>      * wait for toolkits to fix this godawful mess.

How soon is that likely to be?

> conceptually yes. technically and workwise it would be a real pain. i
> suspect that most plugins have about a 60:40 to 80:20 split between
> GUI code and DSP code. the GUI code has to reimplemented for each
> framework. and if the developer doesn't feel like doing it, it doesn't
> get done, and their plugins continue to be platform-specific.

That's the developer's own problem at the end of the day. Same as if he
or she can't be bothered to port it to the Mac. Obviously we should try to
avoid creating unnecessary platform divisions, but when the platforms
really are significantly different, what can you do?


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