[gmpi] Re: Reqs Discuss: 1-11

  • From: Paul Davis <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 09:33:01 -0500

>> > Req 11... why instantiation time? Certainly sample rate must be provided
>> > before streaming start, but it seems to me that it should be possible to
>> > change it between streaming sessions without tearing down and
>> > reinstantiating the whole plugin. Also, why would a plugin not support a
>> > requested sample rate? (sorry if I've missed a discussion on this)
>> I disagree, I wouldn't like to have to support changing sample rate
>> on-the-fly as a special
>We're not talking about changing sample rate during streaming, just
>between streaming sessions.

when we talked about this on the jack development list, we had a hard
time figuring out why you'd ever do this in any situation where the
cost mattered.

you can't realistically change the SR for a session/project that
already has audio material in it: the resampling costs would be
horrible. you might want some kind of FX unit that could be
SR-switched, but the cost of the full tear-down and build-up would be
really pretty trivial for anything i could think of. i guess if you
have a virtinst that preloads 500MB of samples, that's one case where
it could be a bit expensive, i will concede.

>have it allocate any buffers it needs]. Restoring the entire state is
>potentially quite an expensive operation... if we de-instantiate and
>re-instantiate, we also potentially force the plugin to unload and reload
>its graphics and wave resources.
>Yes, I know sample rate change is too expensive to be realtime-safe, but
>savestate-teardown-reinstantiate-restorestate is an order of magnitude
>more expensive again, in many cases.

i'm with angus. i think. err, sort of.


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