[geocentrism] Re: Indian satellite

  • From: Neville Jones <njones@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2008 13:07:14 -0800


Yes, you are right. A lie is a lie, irrespective of whether the person telling it is aware of the truth or not. I stand corrected.

As for the Catholic church, I cannot see where your belief in its God-ordained position comes from. I know that a large chunk of your belief system comes from the Fatima story, but to be undeniable, the link must be obvious to all and everyone surely?

On another thread, has there been much reported in Australia on the detention of Fredrick Toben in London?


-----Original Message-----
From: pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Mon, 10 Nov 2008 06:51:20 +1000
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Indian satellite

Neville yours gives a technical/moral problem to consider....  A Lie is a lie, meaning an untruth.. But this does not mean the person telling the story is a liar..  the similar problem or error is when people make a judgement of other people in calling them sinners. A person committing a declared sin, is not necessarily a sinner..  Only God can make that call.
As a Catholic of course I can qualify that thus, "Only God, or His appointed servant to whom He has delegated that power. "   Many people assume that authority to themselves..  without good reason.
Therefore in the realm of science, I would consider a Highly qualified scientist such as yourself , as being in equal position to declare another scientist, or even the consensus of many of them , as purveyors of lies, and even being liars, given sufficient evidence and proof. People such as myself and Paul are not so qualified, merely having to decide on where truth lies according to whether we put all our faith in the consensus of the many , which Paul does, or in our faith in those who buck the consensus with an alternative view, which I do as regards geocentrism.
I do not doubt that NASA being a political/military entity does, and may even must, put out propaganda that is not true. They LIE . That they can hit the moon or Mars, I do not doubt at all, but The appollo program ....  Now that is not so cut and dried...  Somebody is lying about the radiation belt, to such an extent that records have been expunged from the history. I can only ask why?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 5:59 AM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Indian satellite


It is technically only a lie if one pronounces it to be fact whilst knowing it to be untruthful.

No one here is saying that those scientists, engineers and technicians that designed and built various parts of the mission payload knew that this whole thing is a lie, anymore than those blokes staring at monitors in the NASA control room on 20th July 1969 knew that the whole business was a fraud. Only those at the top know the full picture.


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