[geocentrism] Re: Did NASA do it?

  • From: "Philip" <joyphil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 08:37:15 +1000

Neville I have saved your theses and have yet to read it, so I cannot comment 
yet. But I cannot see in any bible any words that preclude mans travelling into 
space or the moon. 
Can you give any specific quotes. 

You said "Does not the Bible indicate clearly that the Earth is a lie? Does it 
not say that the World cannot be moved."

Whether the world moved or not, the relative motions between the moon and the 
earth would be the same. Thus I see no mechanical impediment to making the 

Now even if we were proved, and had to accept the NASA trip was a hoax, that 
only proves their mistakes, it does not prove that done correctly without 
mistakes, a probe could be launched to and land on the moon. This is simple 
mechanics surely...

As I said above, where is the biblical objection to such an event happening... 

You once said that even the existence of a geostationary satellite destroys the 
credibility of the Bible and geocentrism. I have shown unanswerable evidence of 
the existence of these orbiters.   I still cannot see how such would in any way 
destroy biblical credibility. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dr. Neville Jones 
  To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 12:50 PM
  Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Did NASA do it?

  Dear All,
  Jack's very well detailed reply to the everybody-and-their-uncle-except-NASA 
rebuttals of the Moon hoax claims ends with:
  [RB] Enough time has been wasted on this off-topic side-trip.  Let's return 
to geocentrism or else re-label this list as 'Moon hoax paranoia'.
  [JL] I think not Robert, NASA and geocentrism are incompatible with each 
  This really does hit the nail on the head. And how many nails do we need in 
NASA's coffin, in order to seal the coffin? Some of the "explanations" put 
forward in support of NASA beggar belief. And why?
  Take just one example. A few months ago, there was a television programme 
claiming to debunk the Moon hoax theorists. Two rolls of film were taken with a 
Hasselblad, without a light meter and with the viewfinder closed. Then we get a 
view of the results. 4 pictures, briefly glimpsed. What about the other 20? No 
sign of them, yet on the alleged Apollo missions, you have real after real of 
perfectly exposed and composed pictures. Sorry, Robert et al., take it from 
someone who has spent hours and hours in photographic studios with Hasselblad 
cameras, a high quality light meter and total control over the lighting, that 
such a feat is totally impossible.
  Robert, you claim to believe in the Bible. Does not the Bible indicate 
clearly that the Earth is a lie? Does it not say that the World cannot be moved.
  Jack used to believe that NASA had been to the Moon. So did I. Is thinking up 
one incredulous excuse after another having an open mind? This issue is of the 
utmost importance.

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