[geocentrism] Re: Denominational discussions

  • From: "Dr. Neville Jones" <ntj005@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 20:33:50 +0000 (GMT)

Dear Jack,
I agree with you. And, following on from Robert's suggestion earlier, I would 
recommend that anyone who wishes to "debate" their beliefs sets up their own 
forum on which to do so. A good possibility for doing this is Yahoo Groups. A 
group is easy to set up, is free and is private (i.e., the general public 
cannot read the postings, as they can with freelists).
I have my own forum for this, and general creationism, which is by invitation 
only, as you know.
Yours in Christ,

Jack Lewis <jack.lewis@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Neville,
Since nobody else has brought up their own denomination for discussion it
would seem a good idea to stop the current discussion on Catholicism. I
think it has done nothing for geocentrism and nothing for Christian
enlightenment. Although interestingly your position regarding bread/flesh
and wine/blood seems to fall in between what protestants and Catholics
believe. However there are other non-denominational subjects that could get
discussed such as, Satan - real or not, photographs - unbiblical or not, the
Trinity, predestination etc. If they were to surface on this forum, I think
it would put paid to GC. I think we should be careful in what we discuss.
Perhaps one way would be for us all to set up a new e-mail 'account' called
'Biblical Discussions with everyone who is interested's e-mail address
included. If someone wants to ask a non-geocentric question with a Biblical
topic, they could post it to every one off list. This would allow those who
wish to discuss it without side-tracking the others on the forum.

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