[foxboro] sendmail on V6.3 and "domain of sender address ... does not exist"

  • From: "Weiss, Andreas" <Andreas.Weiss@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 08:35:46 -0500

Hi List,

since some days do I've trouble with AW51C V6.3 and sendmail.

I get these error messages.

Apr 13 15:07:11 O3398U sendmail[2465]: PAB02462: SMTP MAIL protocol
error: 501 5.1.8 <Mailer-Daemon@O3398U>...=20
Domain of sender address Mailer-Daemon@O3398U does not exist

The internet is filled up with articles to that theme but I haven't
found the right one that would help me.

Could anyone help me?


O3398U# check-hostname.sh
Hostname O3398U OK: fully qualified as OU3398.innovene.com


Why does someone trying to send me e-mail get a "Domain of sender
address does not exist" error?=20
This usually means that the sender's domain (the part after the "@"
symbol) isn't capable of receiving e-mail.

This error message usually will only occur if the nameservers for this
domain are reachable and answering queries but clearly announce that the
domain doesn't have any MX records and doesn't resolve to an IP address

This makes any bounce or reply messages impossible, and the sender's
e-mail address is considered invalid.

If the DNS servers are having temporary problems, and aren't answering
for the domain, the message would still be accepted. It's only when the
DNS servers for the domain authoritatively state that the domain can't
receive e-mail that you will get this message.

The sender should be specifying a valid e-mail address when sending you
an e-mail. There are some times when this isn't wanted, such as the
sender doesn't expect a reply, but it is quite normal for recipient mail
servers to reject messages for this reason.

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  • » [foxboro] sendmail on V6.3 and "domain of sender address ... does not exist"