[etni] Fw: yearly grades

  • From: "Ask_Etni" <ask@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "ETNI" <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 21:50:24 +0300

----- Original Message ----- 
From: sbshai - sbshai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: yearly grades

Hi Michele,
In answer to your question about what would be accomplished by eliminating 
the school grade for the Bagrut, I'd like to first explain why many teachers 
find this to be a useless ordeal:

First, it's an ordeal because we take great pains to be both considerate and 
fair -- i.e., we want to (realistically) reward students who have attended 
class (both physically and mentally!), prepared their assignments and 
generally shown an effort to progress in their language proficiency.  At 
least, this is what we understand the purpose of the tziun shnati to be; it 
should serve as a magen for deserving students, especially those who never 
quite become 'mavens' at Bagrut stategy (all their practice 

The useless part figures in this way: No matter how hard we work at these 
grades, we are inevitably deprived of a sense of satisfaction: Principals 
may be disappointed that our averages aren't higher, parents are upset and 
students claim we've ruined their lives -- regardless of how generous we've 
actually been!
The sad result is that the best hagglers may win in the end simply by 
wearing us down, which is clearly an unjust situation.  Why should we be 
subjected to such demeaning behavior?

To top all this, there is no standardization throughout the country in the 
way these grades are given.  For example, in some schools English speakers 
automatically get 100%, even if this is unwarranted according to their work 
There are many schools who start with a bonus of 10 points for their 
students, also without regard for any meaningful criteria.

The bottom line is this -- and it's reiterated by principals, parents and 
students: If the student can achieve a higher score on his Bagrut than we've 
given as a yearly grade (which can indeed happen as there's bound to be any 
easy enough exam among all the ones he's allowed to take, and he receives 
THAT mark -- not an average of all his tests), then we do look stingy!

So when all is said and done -- regardless of what we're told -- the yearly 
grade is not what it's cracked up to be!  It's just an unnecessary hassle 
for us, and the way the system works now, our students get enough chances to 
succeed on the Bagrut.  (Hence, our ordeal is rather useless.)

I believe I've represented the position of many teachers, and I hope this 
answers your question.

Shavua tov,

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