• From: Ian Macrae <ian.macrae1@xxxxxxx>
  • To: ebooktalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 19:57:24 +0100

Today has been filled with frustration as I've grappled with the soviet style 
bureaucracy which surrounds renewing my blue badge in Ealing.  However, the 
time that I've spent doing this has also enabled me to read an entire book.  
It's one which has been mentioned on this list before, The comfort of Strangers 
by Ian McKewan.  It is not a book to be taken lightly if, like me you live with 
high levels of anxiety.  the threat of the indeterminate evil is very 
unsettling and this is part of the achievement of the book so that the end 
comes almost as a relief, and not just to the reader but to one of the 
protagonists too.  He's another author of whom I'm usually wary having had some 
bad trips into his fiction, but this was gripping and helped me keep my temper 
in check.  

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