[digitalucifer] [...Come The Wolves] F(grav) = S(freq:x)

  • From: sku11fukkr <morpheus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: digitalucifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 20:25:55 -0800 (PST)

 =20   So I have this whacked out theory based on string theory. For more i=
nformation on String Theory, head over to the Super String Theory website, =
because I don't feel like explaining it here. What I will give as backgroun=
d is that Albert Einstein's (rest in peace, g) Theory of Relativity states =
gravity is like a calm and stable plane in which objects impose upon. Other=
objects within the impositioned area are affected by the imposition. It wo=
uld be easier to explain with an illustration, but I don't really feel like=
making one. In short, this is used to explain gravity. With my perception =
of String Theory, I would like to explain gravity in a slightly different m=
anner. The theory of Quantum Mechanics is a partial contributor to this. Pa=
rticle physics has its own particle for gravity: the graviton. Just as Stri=
ng theory suggests electrons, photons, and quarks are different frequencies=
of string vibration, I would also like to go a step further and state that=
agraviton is also its own string vibration frequency.
  I= dunno, maybe this has already been stated and I missed it somewhere
along = the line. String Theory really does reinforce new age and occult
ramblings = pertaining to energy vibrations, or "vibes" (haha). I suppose
onecould con= sider me one of the multitudes of highly varied String
Theorists. Thats me,= the half-educated String Theorist who has no knowledge
of the equations be= hind it. I don't think they're very important to me,
though. I tend to proc= ess my information a little differently. 

Posted by sku11fukkr to ...Come The Wolves[1] at 3/29/20= 05 11:22:00 PM 

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  • » [digitalucifer] [...Come The Wolves] F(grav) = S(freq:x)