[covna-officers] Re: ARTICLE(S) NEEDED

  • From: Doug Tabony <doug@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: covna-officers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2015 15:35:36 -0600

Howdy Matt,

I wrote the messages below on the 31st and the 4th. Whenever you can manage will be OK. I do feel as if my emails are not being read carefully. (Notice the passive-aggressive tone, ha!).

Will you please take over the email list completely? I thought you were going to set it up to show email addresses.



    A link would be fine.  Who's writing the article and remember I'm
    the editor?   Any other articles would be appreciated.  I need
info for a newsletter ASAP - would like it delivered next week. Will use dates below for the COVNA calendar if no objections.


    FROM Paco this morning:
    Hi Doug,

    I spoke to Matt and we both think those dates will work just fine.
    How about if we put the link to the survey in this next newsletter
    and write an article about what we are trying to learn from doing
    this survey? We will also mention that we will send out the survey
    to COVNA email list, as well as post it on the website.

    Matt - Do you think it would worth adding a survey question aimed
    at those who are not members of the association and try to find
    out how we might get more households to become members?



    On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 9:28 AM, Doug Tabony
    <tabonyproductions@xxxxxxx <mailto:tabonyproductions@xxxxxxx>> wrote:

        I have no problem with these dates.  I plan on producing a
        newsletter for February.  I would appreciate an article from
        Ron or Paco. Any ideas for other articles would be
        appreciated.  We will be sending out envelopes to send back
        membership forms.  Hal, do you have enough envelopes?  Would
        like to finish newsletter by the end of the week or early the
        next week.


        On 1/30/2015 10:41 AM, walter mattison wrote:
        Good morning all

        Apparently I'm doing something wrong in the officer email
        signup.  I've sent a couple of emails but everything is being

I believe we need to set the 2015 dates for COVNA events. COVNA has approved the following events:

        suggested date

        Garage sale 4/18/15     saturday
        Spring fling 5/2/15     saturday
        Summer picnic      6/20/15     saturday
        National Night Out   10/6/15      tuesday
        Holiday party                       12/15/15 tuesday

        Paco-----as you may remember I'm traveling most of February.
          Please take the lead on this and have the COVNA board set
        event dates.  Doug will need specific dates in order to
        publish upcoming newsletters and update website.   My cell is
        512-417-5227 <tel:512-417-5227>.


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