[bookshare-discuss] Re: Update On The Wheel of Time Project

  • From: Rogerbailey81@xxxxxxx
  • To: bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 20:12:20 EDT

I read the first several volumes of The Wheel of Time and then had to wait 
for the next one. The trouble with waiting is that so many distractions can 
intervene. Priorities crop up in both reading material and other aspects of 
life, so I never did get around to catching up on the series and by now I 
actually forget which volume I left off on. This is the first time I had heard 
that Robert Jordan had died.

                  "Philosophers have merely interpreted the world in 
various ways; the point is to change it." Karl Marx     

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[bookshare-discuss] Update On The Wheel of Time Project   
4/15/2009 7:11:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time  
Sent from the Internet 
table end

I'm sending this because I'm pretty sure there are some here who would be 
interested to read it. 

Below is a link to a fairly long and detailed explanation by Brandon 
Sanderson, who was asked to finish The Wheel of Time series, of how the project 
going, why certain decisions were made regarding how many books it will 
involve and a projected timeline for completion. 

http://www.brandonsanderson.com/article/56/Splitting-AMOL ;

The way things are expected to go may not please everyone; but I for one am 
happy to get the news, especially the part about a new book probably coming
out this November. 


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