[bookport] Re: posting suggestions

  • From: Smith Larry <Larry.Smith2@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "'bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 16:08:54 -0400

That would be very nice especially for music files!!
-----Original Message-----
From: bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 4:04 PM
To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [bookport] Re: posting suggestions

Those are all great ideas, and, in fact, we have all but one down on our =
"to do" list already.  Let me throw out a possible alternative--what about =
if you press play on a file, and it is already at the end, Book Port would =
reset that file's pointer to the beginning which would, in effect, make it =
so every file always started for the beginning once you pressed play while =
at the end of the file?

>>> matneyar@xxxxxxx Wednesday, April 07, 2004 10:58:09 AM >>>
Larry said:

Please do post the suggestions right here.  There are at least 5 APHer's =3D
on this list, and we all pay attention.

OK! IN that case, I'd like to offer a few minor suggestions that would (in
my opinion) improve this already outstanding product.

Folder reset: I'd like to see a command whereby you could reset all=20

files in a particular folder to the beginning of the file. This would=20

be especially helpful for folders that contain music. I love the fact=20

that mp3's don't automatically reset, since this makes listening to=20

books possible. But having to "rewind" every song is a bit inconvenient=20

where music files are concerned. Being able to do this for all of the=20

files in a folder would be a nice little time-saving feature.

Recording safeguard: I think it might be helpful to set the record=20

button so that it has to be held down until a beep is heard before=20

recording starts. I find that I'm always accidentally starting to=20

record just by bumping the BookPort. I think that having a safeguard=20

against accidental recordings would be very helpful.

Volume: I think it would be good to be able to decrease the volume past=20

the 25 setting. I say this because audio files seem to be awfully loud.=20

I can only listen to them comfortably with headphones that have a=20

built-in volume control.

Punctuation: I think a level between the current "some" and "most"=20

levels would be good. As an example, I think a level that announced=20

quotes and parentheses but not commas or periods would be especially=20


Well, that's about it for now. I don't want these suggestions to be=20

taken as heavy criticism. I love my BookPort. It's great to have books

and music together on one wonderfully accessible machine. These are=20

just a few things that might be relatively easy to implement which=20

would make the operation smoother, in my opinion.

Thanks for listening,


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