[blindreplay] Re: thanks for the help

  • From: Mike Pietruk <pietruk@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Replay <blindreplay@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 08:03:30 -0500 (EST)


I concur with Petro's comments.  Having run RAV with 512mb, I can assure 
you that the program will run fine especially given the caveats Petro has 
Personally, when I was running it on a 512mb machine, I kept conversions 
to a minimum; and I have 

keep copy of original recording after converting

checked in the output tab (the 4th tab) in properties of a listing.
Also, in the program settings, I would avoid, in tab 8, fast speed 
conversions and make certain that RAV starts each time you boot up the pc.

once you get the hang of it, RAV is simple to use and modify on the fly.  
Like any somewhat complex program, time and patience are required; and 
when mastered, you will better appreciate all that RAV can do  for you.

One last tip:  take a look at the context menu when you have a 
program/station highlighted.
One of the items is titled

What this does is copy the properties of a program/station as a new entry.  
now why in the world would you want a 2nd listing seemingly identical to 
the first, you ask?
Well, sometimes, I like to tweek things or test things out -- another 
recording method, conversion method, modify the url, you name it.
This way, I can play with the properties of a listing without tampering 
with the original.

Also, copy to a safe place the file


in your RAV programs folder.  This is your listing of stations/programs, 
and it may be handy to have should you ever run into a problem, need to 
restore things, whatever.

And now, enjoy RAV; and ask questions should you have them.

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