[audio-pals] Re: Hello

  • From: "BethAnn LaPresta" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "bela28_02@xxxxxxxxx" for DMARC)
  • To: "audio-pals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <audio-pals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 08:11:53 +0000 (UTC)

Oh Joshie, how I have missed this harassment from you!  Life has gotten very 
serious for some of us and the humor portion of this list is a good reminder to 
lighten up and roll with it.  
      From: Josh <lawdog911@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 To: audio-pals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
 Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2014 6:50 PM
 Subject: [audio-pals] Re: Hello
Does any of the gifts you sent her way include a glow in the dark turkey? Given 
your defaulting on the Monopoly cc and the numerous crimes involving Heather 
such as sabotaging her so that she would be the cause of Sonny and Cher's 
splitting it would not be unheard of for you to have done something with your 
much much younger sister. Has there been any recent or harboring feelings of 
hostility? Would prosecution be able to find any reason that you would have 
offed your sister? I mean after all didn't I hear a reference from you one time 
that involved living near where so-called mafia members made people swim with 
fishes? Didn't you get involved with framing your much much younger sister for 
many crimes in the past? So, it wouldn't be that far fetched to think you would 
have offed her now would it?So, what do you have to say about these 
allegations? Keep in mind decisions are being made as to whether to go ahead 
and proceed with an investigation. This is just preliminary stuff *LOL*. I am 
willing to negotiate at this point in time *LOL*. Remember I did say you had 
defaulted on the cc, you could go ahead and pay that up, make some new 
purchases and we call everything even *LOL*.  

-----Original Message-----
From: audio-pals-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:audio-pals-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
On Behalf Of BethAnn LaPresta (Redacted sender "bela28_02@xxxxxxxxx" for DMARC)
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2014 4:56 PM
To: audio-pals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [audio-pals] Re: Hello

Heaver...where are you? Joshie thinks I've done something with or to you. 
Remember how I have sent an entire box of gifts just for you before you address 
these false accusations of his!

On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 5:47 AM PST Josh wrote:

>I know so let’s get this dag gum appraisal over with already. *LOL*. 
>BTW where is your sister, what did you do with her after your last 
>visit? Well, it is starting to look like I am going to have to open up 
>an investigation. Even if she pipes up now I am not so sure that it is 
>due to the fact she wants to pipe up rather it could be that she is 
>being forced to say particular things. Or it could be that, you have 
>taken over her computer. So, a few things to consider when deciding on 
>opening up the investigation *LOL*. I’m going to needa list of the 
>places you all visited while you were there, the people you may have 
>visited, food consumed and the recipes (well this is just a general 
>curiosity because I know that there is generally some good things 
>prepared when you are there, but nonetheless let’s not digress too much 
>*LOL*), Time frames in which these places were visited, Phone numbers 
>of the locations visited, the manager on duty the night you
 visited, the managers’ birthdays, the managers demeanor when there, who you 
all were sitting beside or walking beside or whatever when you were there, I am 
going to have to pull the monopoly credit card records, written statements from 
all people that you may have come into contact with, mode of transportation 
from Washington to Ohio, mode of transportation while in Ohio, if there was  
rental company involved then I need to know who the vehicle was rented from, 
the company name, the agents name, the agents date of birth, the agents social 
security number *LOL*, the agents demeanor. Well, these questions should help 
me to evaluate whether an investigation is necessary *LOL*.  
>From: audio-pals-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>[mailto:audio-pals-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of BethAnn LaPresta 
>(Redacted sender "bela28_02@xxxxxxxxx" for DMARC)
>Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 1:53 PM
>To: audio-pals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [audio-pals] Re: Hello
>I would just be sad if there wasn't...LOL
>  _____
>From: Josh <lawdog911@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: audio-pals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 6:42 PM
>Subject: [audio-pals] Re: Hello
>No problem. The sooner you get this over the sooner I can get back to 
>harassing you *LOL*. You had to know there was something behind it *LOL*. 
>From: audio-pals-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>[mailto:audio-pals-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of BethAnn LaPresta 
>(Redacted sender "bela28_02@xxxxxxxxx" for DMARC)
>Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 4:53 PM
>To: audio-pals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [audio-pals] Re: Hello
>Thanks Josh!
>  _____
>From: Josh <lawdog911@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: audio-pals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 12:11 PM
>Subject: [audio-pals] Re: Hello
>Hey Bethann,
>  I hope the refinance goes through before the end of the year. Enjoy your 
>time off, it sounds like it is well deserved. 
>From: audio-pals-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>[mailto:audio-pals-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of BethAnn LaPresta 
>(Redacted sender "bela28_02@xxxxxxxxx" for DMARC)
>Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 11:51 AM
>To: audio-pals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [audio-pals] Re: Hello
>Hi Josh and everyone,
>Not much happening here in Washington.  Still working on things around the 
>house in preparation for the appraisal this Thursday.  The credit union was 
>very slow and inefficient, so maybe the refinance will close by the end of the 
>year, maybe not.  Deep sigh...
>Working at work and at home after work, weekends have been non-existent for 
>the last 4 weekends, so I am looking forward to doing nothing this weekend.  
>I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a wonderful start to 2015!
>  _____
>From: Josh <lawdog911@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: audio-pals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 6:37 AM
>Subject: [audio-pals] Hello
>I hope everyone is doing well. I just finished up my third final exam. 
>I have one more final exam and that will be done online as a take home 
>exam tomorrow. Once I take that exam I will be finished. In a way I 
>hate take home exams. I had 2 this semester and both were papers. The 
>first paper had to be 6-8 pages and the second one had to be 8-10 
>pages. Last semester I had a take home exam and it was right about 25 
>pages long. The only class that I have any clue where I stand prior to 
>the final scores being calculated in is my Criminal Justice class, I 
>have 103% in the class. However, the paper that I am submitting can 
>bring my score down to almost a D if I get a zero on the paper. So, I 
>will be on Christmas break after Thursday. As long as I pass all of my 
>classes this semester then I will be starting my final undergrad 
>semester next semester as well. It is up in the air as to whether I 
>will just try to get a job, continue to try and work on getting into
 law school, try to get into the mental health program which only about 12% get 
accepted, or try to get into the social work masters program. Social work 
doesn’t require a GRE which is an entrance exam and I can be a counselor if I 
do clinical social work. So, mental health, which does require a GRE, or 
clinical social work will give me the same opportunities from what I can tell.  
>    Amanda is already on Christmas break and as far as I can tell she did well 
>in her classes and therefore will be starting her final semester next 
>semester. She has one class and an internship. Unfortunately she was unable to 
>find a paid internship so the house buying has to be put on hold as far as I 
>can tell at this point in time. 
>    Little Man is now 9 years old as of Friday. We celebrated by going 
> to the Christmas parade on Friday night and then we had his party on 
> Saturday. We had his party at our church. Our church has a fellowship 
> hall and a gymnasium. He had a couple of his friends from the 
> apartment complex where we live attend and then family was there as 
> well. He got a sleu of things from money and gift cards to new music 
> and a new boombox, but out of everything I think his favorite gift was 
> his 3 movies in 1 of Home Alone. Little Man has also been selected to 
> be in his school’s spelling bee. He brought home his interim report so 
> the 4 and a half week report to see where they currently stand before 
> the actual report is sent home and all of his grades were A’s and one 
> B. The interim report only includes academic subjects and no grades 
> for things such as library, gym, music, and art those will be on the 
> actual report. He has roughly 8 more days till he is out for
 Christmas break.
>    Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. We went over to my dad and mom’s house for 
>lunch and my grandmother came over and ate with us. She is 83 years old as of 
>this past November 19th. She isn’t getting around real well so getting to 
>spend the holidays with her is special. That evening we went over to my 
>cousin’s house, the cousin with the new baby that is right about 9 months old. 
>My cousin’s wife’s family was there and then my dad’s side of the family.
>    Now, we can start thinking about Christmas. Wee bought Little Man’s 
>Christmas on Black Friday with the exception of a couple of things. This past 
>Sunday we went to a Christmas light show and the lights wer synchronized to 
>the music. The light show was a drive through and it probably took about 20-30 
>minutes to drive through it. After you finish the drive they have Santa’s 
>Village. So, Little Man got to see Santa and tell him what he wants for 
>Christmas which lo-and-behold changed from his original Christmas list. 
>However, he only told Santa he wanted one thing. Guess you know what that 
>    So,, if I haven’t put you all to sleep yet then how is everyone else 
>doing. I haven’t heard much ruckus coming from the list. So, I figure that 
>means one thing. Don has clobbered Heaver the Cleaver, Beth Ann the UnCured, I 
>think he may have even gotten a hold of Tom by accident.Jamie is either in 
>cohoots with Don or has been subdued by Don. I imagine that we will have a 
>mild winter this winter with Liz’s transition to a new location, but it is not 
>seeming that way thus far. Suzi, are you still keeping things in control over 
>there in Australia or have you gone out of control? As for everyone else, I 
>hope you have been able to dodge Don’s tornado of trouble *LOL*. Well, with 
>any luck I have ruffled everyone’s feathers on here *LOL*. Hope to read some 
>messages from everyone soon because this list is just way too busy *note the 
>complaint *.        

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