[argyllcms] Re: icclink -G and source gamuts /-profiles

  • From: Martin Ling <martin-argyll@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 13:27:36 +0100

On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 12:23:54PM +0100, Alastair M. Robinson wrote:
> Yes, that's right - so it seems both Argyll and LCMS have issues with a 
> gamma 1.0 input profile.  The behaviour of both system improves rapidly 
> as the gamma increases, though - at a cursory glance, LCMS seems fine at 
> 1.1, cctiff without the -p flag seems accurate enough at 1.3 or so (and 
> with -p, of course, is fine even at 1.0)

In a spooky coincidence, at exactly the same time this thread has been
unfolding I find I am running into this issue myself while trying to
sort out gamma conversion properly in the ufraw code, using lcms.

It seems that LCMS actually manages better than Argyll here. I am
testing as follows, using input profiles produced from the per-camera
rgb->xyz matrices in dcraw and gamma curves of 1.0 and 2.2.

for g in 1.0 2.2; do
        tifficc -i input-$g.icc -o sRGB.icm -t 0 -w raw-$g.tif lcms-$g.tif;
        cctiff -ip input-$g.icc -ip sRGB.icm raw-$g.tif argyll-$g.tif;

The LCMS output images match, but the Argyll ones do not, unless the -p
option is added.

Unfortunately as soon as I start using the proofing functions of LCMS,
big differences start appearing in the proofs despite the outputs being

It seems the only way to get accurate proofs is to apply a gamma
function to your linear data before giving it to the CMS. I would really
like to avoid this, as if the final output profile is (near-)linear then
this operation will just get reversed, damaging information in the

Is it possible to replicate the softproofing ability of tifficc using
Argyll? If I just add my display profile to the cctiff chain, I get:

"Possible photometrics for output colorspace Lab are:
 1: CIELab
 2: ICCLab
 cctiff: Error - An output photometric must be selected with the -e parameter"


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