[arachne] Re: arachne Digest V2 #94

  • From: "Greg Mayman" <gmone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 14:59:31 +0930

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

> From: "John Sparks" <johncsparks@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [arachne] Re: arachne Digest V2 #89
> Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 14:08:08 -0000

> I can confirm that Joe's package works, though I too didn't follow the
> instructions fully (I left the DNS addresses in place)

Once I realized that what he gave me in the message wasn't the
set of instructions I needed, it all went without a hitch....

... for the first ISP anyway. Every time I tried to convert the
settings for the second ISP, it set it up for the first one.

Eventually I managed it by running CFG-PPP RESTORE to reset
everything back to "zero" --- except for the profile for the
first ISP which was in a different subdirectory --- then I loaded
the profile for the second ISP, then ran CFG-PPP LSPPP for a base
level conversion.

> After running the config, Arachne connected first time. Note that I
> had then to change core.exe to fix the time-on-line counter.

I haven't noticed anything like that.

> The only peculiarity is that the old DNS addresses are still being
> used, removing them prevents access to web sites.

Not in my case.

I run an external batch file that copies the needed profile from
an external subdirectory over the ARACHNE.CFG, acording to which
ISP I want her set up for.

Then the batch file calls ARACHNE.BAT.

She loads up with the dialler page showing for the DNSs.

And it works for both ISPs!

I haven't tried switching profiles while online which was what I
wanted it for, as I suspect too many of the other variables will
be altered, when all I really want to be able to change are the
email username and password, and the reply-to, as well as the
URLs for the POP3 and SMTP mail servers.

The POP3 of course is no trouble since I have written the
usernames and passwords into two of the shift-Fn keys for
download from each of the ISPs.

If you're interested, these take the following form:

shiftF3 POP3://username1:password1@xxxxxxxx#1.com.au
shiftF4 POP3://username2:password2@xxxxxxxx#2.com.au


Arachne at FreeLists
-- Arachne, The Web Browser/Suite for DOS and Linux --

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