[amayausers.com] Re: OFF SUBJECT - TEETH

  • From: "Linen Barn" <linen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 15:01:02 -0700

Did I mention water.  Drink tons of water.  I usually drink 6 or 7 bottles a 
day at work and then I drink more at home.

Oh yeah, since I got my teeth fixed I make up for lost time on brushing and 
brush like 4-5 times a day now and I use expensive mouthwash and toothpaste I 
get from my dentist, $15 each on them but it works well and doesn't have that 
strong mint taste and smell :)

Aaron Sargent
The Linen Barn
Medford, OR
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Roland R. Irish III 
  To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 2:43 PM
  Subject: [amayausers.com] Re: OFF SUBJECT - TEETH

  Congrats for deciding to take back your health, and a hearty handshake and
  pat on the back for kicking the drug habit.
  I'm an alcoholic...I was always good at taking tests in school, shortly after
  the birth of my first son (and in my third marriage) I took an alcoholic 
'test' and
  passed it-scored high on every question! I had sent my son to bed early when
  he wanted to stay up and 'play with daddy' so my wife and I could watch tv and
  get a buzz on booze...we sat there, looked at each other and heard him 
  got up and dumped every bottle in the sink. Last time I had a drink-and I"ve 
  up with my sons as they grew and enjoyed every minute of it!
  NOW my body is falling apart and I"m like you-trying to fix it up so I can 
enjoy what's
  left on the downhill run of old age-I have a grandson to spend time with now!
  So...good for you! Hang in there, YOU are the one that's going to benefit 
  your family because you are going to live longer.

  Now, tell me how you lost the weight...I've got 40 pounds I picked up 
  and don't want anymore!


  On Aug 1, 2008, at 5:25 PM, Linen Barn wrote:

    Thank all of you who responded so positively.  Its funny but I am so happy 
and confident about myself now I don't even need the pats on the back but I'll 
take them.  I used drugs heavily in my early 20's and smoking them was the main 
cause of my bad teeth in combination with having lousy teeth to start.  ANyone 
who has kids that might be getting into drugs should show these pics and I have 
more if you really want to see how bad it gets.  I have been clean for many 
years now and I can say I still think about them now and them but won't dare to 
go there again.  I guess as long as you learn from your mistakes and can move 
on then everything is good.

    I have had several people comment on the cost and I really don't mind. 
Another reason why you should take care of yourself, not only teeth but as John 
mentioned there are many other health problems created from being overweight 
and another good one is STRESS.  Stress can cause severe bodily damage if you 
don't take care of it.  I have a high stress job and get very stressed at times 
and most my friends can tell by looking at me how busy I am at work.  I am 
trying to learn to let things go and not work myself to death cause I will age 
myself many years by being too stressed out. ANyways, my dental bill was about 
$17k plus I had to have 1 root canal by a specialist at $1000 and then had that 
caped after my original so that was another $1200.  ALso paid about $1200 for a 
special cleaning which cleaned under my gums and they also took a laser to my 
gums to get rid of bacteria (gingivitis) becasue I was not brushing properly 
for many years mainly cause it flat out hurt when I brushed my teeth and my 
gums bleed alot.  Total bill including interest cause I did a Capital One loan 
through my dentist was $25,000 and all they did was the top and 2 crowns on the 
bottom.  The bottom teeth amazingly were in good shape, at least the ones I had 
left.  I had a total of probably 12 teeth pulled over the last 10 years with 5 
at one time being the icing on the cake about 1 year ago.  Thats when I decided 
I needed to fix this thing and take care of myself.  I am 34 years old so God 
willing I have quite a few years to go and at the rate I was going it wouldn't 
have been that many.

    Sorry if this is inappropriate for an embroidery group but I felt like I 
could shate this here and anyone who doesn't want to read it can find the 
DELETE key :)

    Anyways, if anyone has questions or comments or whatever feel free.  I am 
pretty open about my past problems and I know this can help someone out there.  
One of my customers is a K-9 State Police Officer and I might be going to some 
schools with him to tell some kids out there what drugs can do to them and show 
them its just not worth it.  You should see how much money I have spent on 
lawyers and courts due to my drug use.  Makes my teeth look like nothing :)

    Aaron Sargent
    The Linen Barn
    Medford, OR
    ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bebe Heng" <bebe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    To: <amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 2:09 PM
    Subject: [amayausers.com] Re: OFF SUBJECT - TEETH

      Hey Aaron, I bet you look and feel different now. They are done well and
      congratulations. I won't ask about the bill. I can imagine. But it is all
      worth while.

      You are looking a different person for sure.


      -----Original Message-----
      From: amayausers-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      [mailto:amayausers-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Linen Barn
      Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 11:34 AM
      To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      Subject: [amayausers.com] OFF SUBJECT - TEETH

      This isn't necessarily related to embroidery but I thought some of you 

      like to see some before and after pics.  The Dentist was so happy with the
      results that I am in thier commercial now.  We filmed a few weeks ago and 

      should start airing soon.

      Aaron Sargent
      The Linen Barn
      Medford, OR


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