[ai_group] sending e-mail

  • From: "David Garner" <dgarner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ai_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 20:37:57 -0500



I noticed your e-mail query in the BCX group.  I've also looked at Blat.
The source is available and it's pretty easy to understand (if you know
what you're looking for) as I recall.  


I did an e-mail sending thing at work.  It's pretty easy.  Let's see
what I remember.  Na, I'll go look it up.


You can get blat from: 




I just did.


(You can check this out from telnet.  Just open port 25 and enter the
commands by hand.)


Open a connection to the mail server on port 25.  


The mail server answers with a short message and expects you to say:




I just tested it on my ISP's mail server.  It wanted a domain name after
helo.  I put my server's domain.  I think this is to prevent forwarding.


Then you put the from address - it's spelled like:


MAIL From:


Then you put the list of recipients:




I think there has to be a space after the colon before the addresses.


Then you tell it you are going to start the message:




Then you put the message text on how ever many lines you need.


The last line is a dot by itself.




I think you can then drop the connection and the message will be sent.


My server allows: 



My server also has a pretty impressive help.


Hope this helps you some.  I'm no expert, but I've done this before and
I know it can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be.


David Garner


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