[3ddesktop-dev] My turtle smokes 3ddesk

  • From: Brett Campbell <brett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: 3ddesktop-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 11:21:43 -0700

Hey sorry 'bout the lame post, but 3ddesktop seems to be unusable when i have 
two or more desktops loaded into the pager.  Unusable in that it's pretttty 
darn slow.  

I will have all my workspaces full of windows, but the pager only shows 
whomever's content that i *call* 3ddesk from... iow, i have to run 3ddesk from 
each workspace to have its contents show up in the pager (on a 'zoom out').    

Now, this slow behavior may be due to the fact that i'm running X at such a 
towering resolution.  Is this sort of thing only feasible for those who run at 
800x600 or 1024x768?  The TFT panel on my laptop works best at 1400x1050.  
Problem? :-)

Basically, when there is only one desktop loaded into the pager, it works so 
smoothly.  It's a truly beautiful thing.  As soon as i get the content from 
another stuck in there... bog, bog, blah.

Thanks for any advice.

Brett Ryan Campbell
Systems Administrator, CAD Research Center
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407

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